Creative and Digital Learning

(Level 4)-Part time


QQI General Learning Level 4, Code 4M2010


Are you interested in returning to education to develop your creativity?

Do you also want to develop your IT skills?

This programme will provide you with:

• an opportunity to develop your creativity through design, drawing and textiles.
• knowledge of the use of social networking websites for business/promotion purposes
• the ability to create digital media content
• the ability to develop a website or a business page on a social networking website
• customer service skills which give you the ability to interact with customers or clients in a professional way.

This course is aimed at individuals who may have been out of education for some time and want to return to gain skills for employment, self-employment or further education and training. Each module has been carefully chosen to ensure that you are prepared with the necessary skills to gain confidence in that area. Learner who complete all modules will receive a Level 4 General Learning award.

On completion of this course, you may gain employment or progress to Level 5 further education and training programmes.



Code Title
4N0689 English And Communications
4N1878 Drawing
4N1139 Design
4N1858 Digital Media Technology
4N1989 Customer Services
4N1125 Information Technology Skills
4N1122 Web Design
4N2048 Textiles
Software Development Level 5

Special Features

  • Parent friendly hours
  • Retention of Social Welfare Payments and Benefits. e.g. Job Seekers Allowance, One Parent Family Payment, Medical
    Card, Rent Allowance.
  • No fees for those on Social Welfare Payments/Benefits or holders of medical cards or dependants of those in receipt of Social Welfare Payments/Benefits or holders of medical cards.
  • Educational, career and personal guidance.
  • The opportunity to undertake work experience and apply new skills in the work environment.

For further details contact


Course Coordinator: Neil Murphy

Entry Requirements

  • Education: Applicants should have a standard of knowledge, skill and competence equivalent to NFQ Level 3 when accessing a Level 4 programme. Applicants may have participated in primary and secondary education although no formal qualifications are required.
  • Aptitude: Applicants must have a motivation to learn, an interest in the subject and the ability to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies set out in the course.
  • Previous Experience: Applicants must be able to demonstrate a moderate range of knowledge, skills and competencies relevant to the course, be able to work under direction with some ability to work on their own initiative.


33 weeks


The Creative and Digital Learning course is run in co-operation with the Cork Education and Training Board – St. John’s Central College, the Department of Social Protection (DSP) and through the Local Employment Service (LES).
For an Application Form/Information Brochure contact St John’s Central College, your local LES Office or Job Facilitations Office-DSP.

Back To Education Initiative BTEI


Students may progress to a range of existing Level 5 Arts and Digital courses including Applied Computer Training Level 5.  Additionally, following the successful completion of Level 5 course, students may apply to a range of Higher Education Institutions through the Higher Education Links Schemes.

Art and Design Level 5– St John’s Central College

Creative technology and Art Level 5– St John’s Central College

Computers and Business Level 5– St John’s Central College

Applied Computer Training Course Level 5 – St John’s Central College

A range of courses are available at   

Job Opportunities

On completion of this programme learners will have acquired a broad range of personal skills which will enable personal development and active citizenship, and/or to progress to employment and/or further education or training.