New Pathways


QQI General Studies Level 5, Code: 5M3114


The New Pathways Course with parent friendly hours accommodates the needs of employers and Third Level colleges.  The course provides a comprehensive introduction to general studies, offering a diverse range of subjects to acquire the knowledge and skills for everyday life and supports progression to further education, training or employment.  The course will give students a foundation in research skills as well as the practical computer skills and overall administration skills required to work in any business environment.  You will gain the confidence to use computers competently, a life skill that can be applied to any career by gaining brand new computer skills or simply upskilling and updating any existing IT skills.  This course will give you the opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills in a broad range of subjects in a friendly and supportive environment.  Educational, career and personal guidance is a strong feature of the course and students are given all the support they need to make informed decisions regarding their future career and life choices.


Research & Study Skills
Information & Communication Systems
Spreadsheet Methods
Database Methods
Word Processing
Digital Presentations
Business Administration Skills
The Internet
Work Experience


 Student Services € 250
 QQI Fee  €50
 Materials  €70
TOTAL €370

Contact Details

Tel: 021 4255500

Entry Requirements

Leaving Certificate (LC Established, LCVP or LCA) or equivalent

For mature applicants appropriate experience will be considered in lieu of formal qualifications.



One year full time


Job Opportunities

Information and Communications Technology and Business is the backbone of many industries – health, transport, finance, media and manufacturing – so the skills you will learn will be highly valued by employers.


Following the successful completion of this course, students may apply to a range of Higher Education Institutions and also apply through the Higher Education Links Scheme.  Graduates will also be highly skilled to work in any modern computerised business environment.


Special Features

  • Parent friendly hours
  • Educational, career and personal guidance
  • The opportunity to undertake work experience and apply new skills in the work environment.
  • On campus crèche facility.
  • Applicants in receipt of a Social Welfare payment may apply for VTOS or BTEA.
  • Advice on Fee Exemptions.
  • Retention of Social Welfare Payments and Benefits e.g. Job Seekers Allowance, One Parent Family Payment, Medical Card, Rent allowance etc.