Film, TV & Video Production (TV & Film Production)

Level 5


QQI TV & Film Production Level 5, Code 5M5158


The course introduces students to a range of techniques and skills necessary for a successful career in filmmaking, television production and content creation for the Internet. Students develop literacy in visual storytelling and design by turning their own creative ideas and concepts into fully developed films and multi-camera studio based TV programmes. They also develop proficiencies in key technical and creative areas with hands on work in camera, lighting, production design, sound, and digital editing and post production. Along with a purpose built TV studio, students work in state of the art facilities using use industry standard software for writing, editing, colour grading, and design.



Code Title
5N0540 Television & Film Editing
5N0757 Traditional Black & White Photography
5N6007 Studio Production Design
5N18477 Television Studio Production
5N18476 Scriptwriting
5N0637 Film Production
5N1298 Media Analysis
5N1356 Work Experience
5N0690 Communications



Materials €200
QQI Fee €50
Student Services €250
TOTAL €500

Contact Details

Tel: 021 4255500

Entry Requirements

Leaving Certificate (LC Established, LCVP or LCA) or equivalent

For mature applicants appropriate experience will be considered in lieu of formal qualifications.


One year full time

Work Placement/Experience

Participants will be required to undertake 10 days of work placement in a relevant location. The College will assist participants in identifying suitable placements.

Education Progression Opportunities

TU DUBLIN: TU983-Film and Broadcasting

IADT: DL843-Film, DL844-TV, DL845-Design in Film

MTU Kerry: MT812, MT712-TV, Radio & Media

UCC: CK101-Arts, CK105-Film and Screen Media, CK109-English,

TUS Limerick: LC276-Creative Broadcast and Film Production.

Our students have successfully completed 3rd level and graduate degree and diploma programmes at UCC, Sunderland University, DLIADT, National Film and Television School UK, Filmbase Masters, Tralee IT, Nemeton.

DIT, Dún Laoghaire, DKIT, GMIT: DT504; DL834; DK864; GA281

Tralee IT: TL802         

UCC: CK107, CK108, CK109, CK 113, CK117, CK118, CK210, CK301, CK307

We advise you to consult the CAO website – and to confirm specific entry requirements for Higher Education Institutions.


Career Opportunities

Production assistant positions whether in administration, production or post production.

Notable St. John’s Central College Cork Alumni

Kevin Lehane who wrote the feature film ‘Grabbers’, Sara Taddei who was the Production Designer for the NFS animation film production ‘MANoMAN’ that has been nominated for a Bafta, Brian O Glanby and Petr Stach who went onto Sunderland University and whose film ‘Gently down the stream’ was nominated for an RTS award. Ed Godsel (‘The Road to Moneygall’), Chris Cullen( Epic Productions, Dr Liz Greene) to name but a few.

Student Testimonial